Composites press technology

Fiber-reinforced composites are in demand in all high-end industries in which light weight and at the same time high durability under dynamic load ensure competitive advantages

Efficient and reliable press technology for fibre composite plants

Whether glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) or carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP): The valuable material is mainly used in application fields where weight reduction, fuel consumption,anti-corrosion characteristics and other stress resistency feauters are in focus.

The name Siempelkamp also stands for solid and precise technologies in these presses and handling systems as well as for high flexibility due to its suitability for all composite applications such as sheet molding compounds with glass or carbon fibers (SMC), prepreg compression molding with short, long or continuous fibers (PCM), resin transfer molding (RTM), and thermoplastic forming.


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